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The most authoritative research predicts peak global oil production will occur sometime between 2008 and 2018 (Robelius' dissertation)Private UK studies by the Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil and Energy Security projected the production peak year to be approximately 2012 to 2015. Regardless of the precise year global oil production begins to decline, Washington continues doing nothing on the scale required and it will take decades to cleanly repower the world. After we begin.
Space Solar Power Workshop - Ga Tech
ASPO International
SolarHIGH Study Group
Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas (ASPO-USA)
National Space Society
California Renewable Portfolio Std.
Space Solar Power Information Service David Rutledge - Cal Tech Engineering- Fossil Fuel Peak Study 
Journal of Space Communications - SSP issue #16 Early Warning
SSP for Developing Nations Agriculture
Energy Bulletin
Oil Depletion Analysis Centre
Space Review
Our Finite World
Space Energy Pro Publica - Pro Bono Journalism
Science Daily
Ohio Univ. SunSat Design Competition
The OilDrum
Analyzing Microwave Power Transmission & Solar Power Satellite Systems
(expensive report - October 2009)
WSJ Energy
Energy Business Reports: Microwave Power Transmission Market Potential
(expensive report, but truly outstanding and very detailed - July 2008)
Ars Technica
Wikipedia - Mainly SSP history

Space Solar Power - Space Future

Government SSP articles
Video - JAXAchannel SSPS (Space Solar Power System) EIA . DOE . GOV
Video - SBSP (Space Based Solar Power) - Mafic Studios
Database of State & Federal Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE)
Video - Space Energy's Peter Sage, at TED
International Energy Agency (IEA)
Video - Space Solar Power, Futurist David Houle
Independent Petroleum Association Presentations
Video - Ikaros - Japanese Solar Sail
JAXA SSPS project

NSS SSP Documents Library

Moonsociety Power Beaming Kit

Space Transportation
Climate Change

Space Transport News

Commercial and US Government Launch Vehicles Forum

International Space Flight

MSNBC Space News

New Scientist Space News

Red Orbit

Spaceflight Now

Universe Today

Climate Change is poorly understood both because it is complex and politically inconvenient for the fossil fuel industry. There are solid fundamentals underlying the grave long term concern which many experts strive to better understand and express.
The Earth radiates primarily in the infrared part of the spectrum (see IIPCC Fourth Assessment, Chapter 1). Much of this thermal radiation emitted by the land and ocean is absorbed by the atmosphere, including clouds, and reradiated back to Earth.  Our Earth's atmosphere's transparency to heat is declining, since CO2 is increasing and its absorption spectra is in the infrared, blocking an increasing amount of heat (infrared radiation) back to space.

Fundamentally, CO2 in the atmosphere has been rising since the Industrial Revolution began. If we compare an Earth atmosphere with no CO2 to the same Earth atmosphere with just 0.03% CO2, we find that the one with no CO2 is 10º cooler. CO2 acts like a blanket. The actual cooling would be even greater, however, because that 10º change in temperature would reduce the water content of the atmosphere, which would lower the temperature even more, since water vapor is also an important "greenhouse gas".[1] 

Rising CO2, however, is only one of many effects that affect the Earth's temperature and climate.  These often overshadow the magnitude of CO2's effect. Among these are volcanoes and the solar sunspot cycles.  Nevertheless, in Alaska, winter temperatures have increased a stunning 6.3 degrees F in the last 50 years.  In the Pacific Northwest, the depth of the Cascade Mountain snowpack on April 1 has declined by 25 percent over the last half century, while spring runoff from the Cascades now occurs nearly a month earlier than 50 years ago. Declining snow pack feeding Lake Mead, behind Hoover Dam has resulted in Lake Mead falling to a level not seen since it was first filled in 1937.[2]

To begin the process of understanding some of these wide ranging effects, see NOAA's “State of the Climate in 2010” (July 2011) at



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